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Final Itinerary: Walter Larry Jones Billups (77) United States Navy – Vietnam – Saturday January 4, 2025 Quitman

January 4 @ 11:15 am - 5:00 pm

This is the final itinerary for the

Patriot Guard Riders

Mission to Honor

Walter Larry Jones Billups

January 4, 2025






Born: March 22, 1947

Died: December 14,2024


The family has requested that the PGR be present.

The Mission is a ‘go’ and all contacts have been made.




Short Bio: Mr. Jones served 3 years in the Navy as a Engine Mechanic earning the rank E3. He earned the National Defense Service Medal, Vietnam Service Medal (three bronze stars) and Vietnam Campaign Medal (with device)


Services: 1;00 January 4, 2025

Holiday Villages of Lake Fork

335 Geronimo

Quitman, Texas 75783

We have been asked to present the Flag




Staging: From: 11;15 To: 11;45 with riders meeting at: 11:45

LOCATION : Holliday Villages of Lake Fork club house







Map link staging area: https://maps.app.goo.gl/5hhfK2PpHKB2g8VJ6





Ride Captain: Mike Holt

Phone: 903-790-1141

Email Address: mikewholt@yahoo.com


Flag Captain: Larry Tefteller

Phone: 903-841-1752

Email Address: colt48@etex.net




Weather Report: high will be close to 60, (Notations:)

Please hydrate often, including the night before. Carry rain gear if needed.



The only prerequisite is RESPECT. Also remember, you do not have to ride a motorcycle to join in. The Flag Line is open to all who wish to participate.

Stand tall and silent as you honor this fallen veteran and family. Please ride or drive safe and defensively to this mission.

Thanks again for your participation with ET PGR.


*** Safety Notice ***

Before volunteering and / or attending any Patriot Guard Riders mission we encourage you to review all safety information below.

Included are some potential safety concerns to be aware of; however, this does not include the full scope of all potential hazards during any mission.

Anyone attending an East Texas Patriot Guard Riders mission understands that they do so at their own risk. SAFETY IS YOUR RESPONSIBILITY AT AND DURING ANY MISSION.


Funeral Processions / Escorts / Flag Line

EVERY RIDER IS SOLELY RESPONSIBLE FOR THEIR OWN SAFETY at all times while riding in a funeral procession or standing in a Flag Line.

At NO TIME are any riders authorized to block an intersection or otherwise impede traffic laws in any way. Only Law Enforcement Officials (LEO’S) are authorized to block and / or impeded the lawful flow of traffic.

If you choose to fly a flag on your bike you are SOLELY RESPONSIBLE for ensuring it is secured and not a danger to any other rider or traffic. Your bike overall condition: including tires, brakes and lighting should be in good operating condition. It is very important for the safety of all who participate. If you see a safety issue, notify the Ride Captain at the first opportunity.





High Temperatures

It’s every RIDER’S PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY to hydrate prior to attending a mission.

Begin drinking water the night be-ore. Drink water when you wake up and continue drinking water all day to ensure your body stays hydrated. During this time of the season, it is very important you know your limitations. Let the Ride Captain or Flag Captain know if you need a break.


It is strongly encouraged that everyone should go to the Patriot Guard’s national web site www.patriotguard.org mission thread and post a brief message of condolence/sympathy to the family on the loss of their loved one. It’s been mentioned more than once that those kind words brought great comfort to a Spouse, Mother, Father, and family.

Thank You.



You can visit the East Texas Patriot Guard Riders official website at: www.etpgr.com

Join the ETPGR Facebook group go to:




Ride Captain: Mike Holt

Gilmer, Texas USA

PHONE: 903-790-1141

Email: mikewholt@yahoo.com


January 4
11:15 am - 5:00 pm
Event Category: