2023 Membership Drive
We invite those of you who appreciate the sacrifices and service of our U.S. military to join us in honoring our veterans.
The ETPGR does not care what you ride or if you ride, nor what your political views are, or whether you’re a hawk or a dove. It doesn't matter where you’re from or what your income is; the only prerequisite is Respect. A large portion of the PGR membership is made up of veterans, but this too is not a requirement. The only requirement you need to meet is the desire to honor members of our military and veterans who have previously served.
To become a member of the Patriot Guard Riders one should first register on the National PGR web site located here and then return to this page and complete the form to become a member of the East Texas regions' Patriot Guard Riders.
NOTE: The following form should only be used requests for membership. Should you need to contact us, click here. Thank you.
Become A Member Of The ETPGR
Release of Liability:
As a condition of my voluntary participation in PATRIOT GUARD RIDERS for myself and my heirs and assigns, by clicking the sign up button below, I hereby release and discharge the PATRIOT GUARD RIDERS, its Board of Directors and Officers, Volunteers and Agents and any Affiliated Organizations and their respective Officers, Volunteers and Agents from any and all claims, demands, damages or liabilities arising from injury to my person or property as the result of participating in MISSIONS/SPECIAL MISSION RIDES or any other activity sponsored by PATRIOT GUARD RIDERS.
I currently hold a valid drivers license with proper endorsement, and I have comprehensive motor vehicle liability insurance covering the vehicle, which I will be operating on the MISSION/SPECIAL MISSION RIDES.

"Standing for those who stood for us."
"No veteran, past or present, should ever be forgotten."
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